With a new year comes a new style for my business. I’m so excited to announce newborn composites will be added to my sessions. This will allow me to be creative before and after your session, creating backgrounds beforehand, and collaborating with mom to get the perfect images with baby.
I will be doing most of my work on a beanbag, not moving baby around too much, and not causing any stress for baby. This will be much more comfortable for the newborn… and the parents.
Even though I will be doing most of my work behind the scenes, after the session, the surprise factor is so rewarding. I love that you won’t really know what the images will look like until you receive them! They are the images you will want to frame for sure!
The composites will only be a portion of the session, and I will still be doing my regular newborn posing with the props that I have.
When it comes to booking your newborn, I prefer you to do it as far in advance as you can. We always work around your due date, about 6 to 10 days after the approximate date. It’s understandable that baby can make an appearance earlier or later then expected, so the booking date is always adjustable. I don’t ask parents to bring anything to the studio unless their is something they want to incorporate in. Those meaningful treasures can always add to the photo, especially if I can take the background image separate and add baby in later. 😉 My sessions before took about 2-3 hours, moving baby to and from props, along with outfit and wrap changes. With these added composites, they now take 1-2 hours! Not much moving around, and the changes are thought out before hand making it a much smoother process.
I’m so excited and grateful to meet all the 2018 babies and parents who are ready for this new experience!
I look forward to meeting your little one in the future!
Yours Truly
Amber Sublett