Let me start off by saying how amazing and down-to-earth Anita and Kendall are. I had the best time working with these two and their families. They were all so kind and easy to work with.
The wedding took place at Red Bud Party Barn in Douglass Kansas. It was a gorgeous Saturday in May. With rain chances in the forecast, we were a bit on edge for the outdoor ceremony. God had other plans as the rain decided not to come. With servant’s hearts, they washed each other’s feet for their unity and then had their family come up and pray over them. This type of ceremony always makes my heart happy.
We did some portraits right after the ceremony because they decided not to see each other before hand. It was so beautiful to see Kendall’s face light up when he saw his bride down the isle! I always love doing a first look because it allows more time with couple and gives me more room for creativity. However, I never try to talk them out of the traditions. If it’s their wish to wait…. I’m all for it!
When it was my time to leave the party and head home, I kept checking the forecast and peeking outside the barn for rain drops. I really wanted to capture them in the rain before I left. Luckily, the rain started to come down in a trickle right before I packed up. I took Anita and Kendall outside the barn doors for an epic shot in the rain. It was beautiful!!!
So, as I’m headed back to Wichita down the dirt roads through Butler county… my radio goes off in a weather alert. “Flash flooding, high winds up to 60 mph for Butler county”. I’m starting to freak out at this point because it’s dark and I’m on dirt roads, and have about 45 minutes until I make it home. And then in about 5 minutes the rain started hammering down sideways in buckets. I could only see about a foot in front of my car. I kept asking myself if I should pull over, but I just wanted to get home. I drove about 10 mph for 30 minutes until the rain slowed down. It was pretty scary. So happy I made it home in one piece. And soooo thankful it wasn’t raining like that during the wedding. 🙂