Sweet little Paisley was so dreamy! She slept her entire session which allowed me to get through multiple sets.
When a baby is this good, I’m able to give momma a really good verity and never cut the session short. My newborn sessions are always 2-3 hours. If I get through all my prepared setups in an hour, I’ll keep going!!! Unless momma is done of course. 😉
When a baby is very unsettled, which doesn’t happen that often, I have to take extra measures into soothing them how they like. Mom usually has to feed or have the baby latch on for a bit. We do whatever we need to and take our time to get the baby comfortable. Normally, once the baby gets to a state of being settled, it’s a good hour of photos until they’re unsettled again.
Thankfully with my style of newborn photography, I do a dozen of composites each session. This gives a lot of verity to your session, even if the baby has been unsettled. It gives you a lot more photos then what you would expect. This allows me to get creative and match the baby’s nursery or colors of choice. I love creating setups like you’ll see below with Paisley’s session.
The #1 question I always get asked is, “how do you get a newborn baby to sit on a shelf like that?” Truth? They’re not really sitting. As you’ll see below, little Paisley is laying on a soft bean bag for her first set. After the session is over and I’m in the editing process, I’ll go through my digital files and select a good amount of setups that match Paisley’s session or any of mom’s requests. I’ll then edit her into a setup and create a beautiful piece for mom and dad. I’ll admit this takes a lot of work. But I love this process of the session! I’m able to use my graphic design background and apply it to my work. And parents LOVE it too! 🙂 I’m taking something so simple and making it more fun and different.